Poetry Reads: Movement by Tobias Biancone

Ahoy, Wolf here. For some years now I have maintained a notebook where I write down whatever little snatches of poetry, song and quotes that catch my eye. The book title is scrawled in uppercase, ball point ink on the cover: THE CAPRICIOUS LITERARY POETRY AND QUOTE COLLECTION.
Of the many select things listed here, is a poem written by Tobias Biancone. In these days of superficial Internet research, I discover that Biancone is a poet-playwright of Swiss-Italian descent and little else. Anyway, without much ado, here is the poem.
by Tobias Biancone 
like a wave
propelling oneself
above the trifles of life. 
like a flock of birds
rising above
all limitations.

(Article by Snehith Kumbla) 

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